Solera Breaks Ground On North America Research And Training Centre

Solera Holdings hosted a “ground-breaking” for its research and training centre, CESVI LIV Centre of North America (CESVI LIV NA), last week.

The ground-breaking ceremony, which took place in Justin, Texas, was performed by Chris Mullen, Executive Director of CESVI LIV NA, and Tony Aquila, founder, Chairman and CEO of Solera.

Solera says the facility will focus on providing “factual, credible and documented research” which will be disseminated throughout training and expert consultancy on advanced technology trends.

Research will span the automotive insurance, collision repair, vehicle manufacturer and vehicle owner industries. CESVI LIV NA will provide insight and deliver tools to reduce repair costs within the North American claims environment, and will also integrate OEM repair procedures into consultation and training that “promotes best practices in vehicle service, maintenance and repair”.

“This centre will add value to the automotive insurance industry,” said Chris Mullen, Executive Director of CESVI LIV NA.” “Our research, consultation, technology and training will provide data and insights into the most efficient and effective repair processes, which will then support better residual values and create more cost-efficient automotive repairs, ensuring safe vehicles get back on the road.”